A industrial visit to Mejia Thermal Power Station

A industrial visit to Mejia Thermal Power Station
An educational tour always becomes very interesting , enjoyable moment for students. There are so many things to learn in an industrial visit. Recently we had a visit to Mejia Thermal Power Station.
A little information about Mejia Thermal Power Station-
It is situated in India, state- West Bengal, District- Bankura, Durlovpur, Mejia.35 km apart from Durgapur.
Commission Year-1996
This power station is under DVC.
The primary fuel of this plant is coal. It is heard that DVC has so much amount of coal to run this plant continuously for 30 years.
Power generation Capacity-  This plant has total eight units , first four each of capacity of 210MW, unit five and six having capacity of 250MW each, and seventh and eighth unit having capacity of each 500MW. Name plate says it generates 2340MW.
All the turbines and Electrical equipments are made by BHEL.  Here I present some pictures inside and outside of the plant. Lets see and enjoy
